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Advocacy (3)

Case Win: Privacy Breach Prompts WorkCover Win

Standing Up Against Abuse in Education - The TPA Difference

A recent case for a Red Union TPAQ...

Case Win: From Victim to Victor: How Teachers Union TPAV Assisted a Teacher Facing Student Abuse

Standing Up Against Abuse in Education - The TPAA Difference

Teachers are the backbone of our...

Case Win - When Teaching Makes You Sick, TPAV Advocates for Safe and Healthy Workplaces

One teacher's struggle with allergies and how TPAA helped her make a difference.

As a teacher, you...

TPAV Case Win #1425 - Protecting Teachers' LSL Rights & Other Entitlements

Holding Employers Accountable & Standing up for Teachers

Recently, the Teachers' Professional...

TPAV Case Win #1387 - A Teacher Targeted with Unfair Deductions

Holding Employers Accountable & Protecting Teachers' Rights

Picture this: a dedicated teacher,...