If you have joined here you will have access to
expert professional industrial support in addition
to the TPAA Professional Indemnity Insurance.
Policy coverage
Months run-off cover for a period
Month continuous renewal
Professional Indemnity Insurance (PII) Coverage
Download: Certificate of Currency 15 Nov 2024 to 15 Nov 2025
The TPAA PII Policy:
- $10 million;
- Unlimited retroactive cover;
- Run-off cover for a period of 84 months.
There is also cover outside of Australia (excludes Canada and the USA). This is often applicable to volunteer postings overseas. Please contact us for confirmation if you are considering such a post.
Joining TPAA is both cost-effective and easy, providing assurance and peace of mind that you have adequate coverage if any concerns or complaints arise.
PI Insurance is included as a benefit of membership. We do not sell insurance, however, if you are a contractor we can arrange discount cover through our insurance broker.
Insurance Coverage Specifics
Who is eligible to be covered under the TPAA Member PII Policy and legal backup service?
You must be:
- a financial member or a financial affiliate member, and maintain that status whilst you are working;
- a non-working member or affiliate who is registered with TPAV/TPAA in that capacity;
- a student registered with TPAV/TPAA. (Students are covered for the entire period of their studies including whilst doing placements as a student);
- an Honorary Life Member of TPAV/TPAA.
Who does the TPAA member PII Policy and legal backup service cover?
- Registered teachers
Who is not covered?
- Any member or affiliate who is not an employee. If you are working as an independent contractor you are not covered for any work done in that capacity. If you are also an employee for part of your working week, then you will only be covered for that part of your week, but not for the time you are working as a contractor.
- Any teacher working in the USA or Canada.
What is covered?
- Civil liability for loss arising from any negligent act, error or omission.
- Where you are summoned to give evidence before a coronial inquest and you require legal representation.
What is not covered?
- Criminal offences are not covered, nor are claims arising from dishonest, fraudulent or malicious breach of duty.
- Claims from any un-financial member unless you have registered with us as having ceased practice. In that case, the run-off cover will continue for another 84 months (seven years). Non-working members who have remained registered with us are still covered.
- Claims not notified to us in the insurance period in which the member became aware of the circumstances.
Do members or affiliates have to pay any excess on a claim under the policy?
- No. Since 2016, the NPAQ, TPAQ and TPAV have paid all excesses on all claims so no claimant (member or affiliate) has to pay any excess in the event of a claim.
Public Liability Insurance
- All eligible members and affiliate members as described above are covered for public liability to $10 million (see Certificate of Currency for further details).