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Case Win: Navigating Termination

Advocacy & Support for Teachers

Lisa, a member of the TPAA Victorian branch, was facing termination...

Case Win: Allegations Against Teachers

Advocacy & Support for Teachers

Teachers are entrusted with shaping young minds and fostering an...

Case Win: Allegations in the Workplace

Advocacy & Support for Teachers

Allegations concerning interactions between educators and students...

Case Win: Supporting Teachers Dealing with Difficult Students

Dismissing Allegations & Addressing Workplace Safety Concerns

Teachers often find themselves...

TPAV Case Win #1374 - TPAV Defends Educators Facing Unjust Misconduct Allegations

Protecting the Interests of Education Professionals During Tough Times

Government departments never...

TPAV Case Win #1350 - TPAV Parachutes Teacher to Safety

Read about how we Negotiated a favourable Separation Package for a member after they were bullied...

TPAV Case Win #1340 - From Threat of Termination to Reinstatement

Navigating employment issues can be a daunting task, especially when you're in a foreign country...

TPAV Case Win #1335 - Bullying - Transfer Fast Tracked

All teachers should feel safe and confident in the workplace. Unfortunately, bullying is not...

TPAV Case Win #1329 - Serious Misconduct Allegations Dropped

This was a case where a TPAV member was facing allegations at their school. Being accused of...