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Workplace Support For Teachers

Benefits of TPAA Membership for Teachers

Teachers are the lifeblood of our education system, whether they are just starting out or have years of experience. Teachers bend over backwards to try and meet the complex needs of their students and jump through the hoops required by different education departments daily.

The Teachers Professional Association of Australia (TPAA) recognises the many professional and personal challenges teachers face daily and can provide industrial advice, advocacy, support, and representation as needed.

Case Win: Supporting Teachers Dealing with Difficult Students

Dismissing Allegations & Addressing Workplace Safety Concerns

Teachers often find themselves...

Case Win: Defending Teachers Facing Leave Discrepancies

Resolving leave discrepancies in the workplace

Navigating leave discrepancies as a Teacher can be...

Case Win: Defending Teachers Across Australia

Ways to Resolve Bullying IN EDUCATION

Teaching in today's educational landscape is no easy feat,...